
LinkedIn Notifications

Communications at LinkedIn

Helping professionals enhance their network interactions with valuable alerts and engagement loops

Notifications on LinkedIn allow professionals to stay updated about themselves, their activities, and other's activities from their network through three ways: push notifications, in-app notifications, and emails.

Since March 2021, I have been the lead designer in the Notifications pillar of LinkedIn's Consumer Growth team, designing for over a billion people.
In this role, I've been fortunate enough to improve LinkedIn's notifications experience by making it more valuable, simple, and more trusted through taking part in various projects, including:

  • Re-defining LinkedIn's product design standards for valuable and high-quality notifications and enforcing them through coaching and working with notification owner teams across LinkedIn.
  • Simplifying the in-app Notifications interface by reducing clutter, focusing on member priorities, and making it more efficient.
  • Making the notification experience more trustworthy by rethinking member controls for notifications, making them easier to use.

If you are interested in learning more, please get in touch with me.